Rawmarsh Rd, Rotherham S65 1BL
01709 496 0078



Aspire Aspire
Spinal Cord Injury has a devastating effect on the 1,200 people who become paralysed each year.

The individual affected will lose muscle and sensory control and the vast majority become full time wheelchair users for the rest of their lives. Historically, the majority of spinal cord injuries have been sustained by those aged 15 to 40, with men outnumbering women, although increasingly it is affecting older people too.

Through its projects and programmes, Aspire offers practical support to the 40,000 people living with a spinal cord injury in the UK so that they can lead fulfilled and independent lives in their homes, with their families, in work places and in leisure time.

Aspire’s core Services provide the practical support that can be needed by those who sustain spinal cord injuries.

The services we offer cover a range of areas and are available to new patients in the NHS Spinal Cord Injury Centres, to those who have just been discharged from hospital and to people who have been living with their injury for years. But whilst they are different in what they do, they all have the same goal – to help take someone from injury to independence.

Aspire Housing

Our Housing Programme provides fully accessible properties around the UK that can be used on a short-term basis whilst someone is adapting their own property or hunting for a permanent home.

Aspire Independent Living Advisors

The Aspire Independent Living Advisors work in the Spinal Cord Injury Centres, providing advice and guidance to the patients and ensuring they get the support and services they need.

Assistive Technology

Aspire’s Assistive Technology facilities in the Spinal Centres ensure that everyone, regardless of the level of their injury, has independent access to a computer.

Aspire Grants

Aspire Grants gives funds to people to help them buy the specialist equipment they need to live a more independent life.

We awarded £99,600 to 89 people in 2010/11 and we plan to award £120,000 in grants in 2011/12.


Our campaigning work harnesses the skills and knowledge that comes from working with so many people with spinal injuries and advocates for positive change and improvement.