Rawmarsh Rd, Rotherham S65 1BL
01709 496 0078

Hereward Beats! The DJ Youth Work Project

Hereward Beats! The DJ Youth Work Project

Hereward Beats! The DJ Youth Work Project
The aim of the project is to train 20 interested participants to a standard where they can facilitate discos & other community events independently.

Why they need our service

The current students organise events for the community, and there has been a constant stream of requests from students and the community for DJ workshops and training. A student focus group involving over 20 students also identified this area of potential skill development.

This identified need has developed into the DJ project which will include event management skills which will lead to students offering community events to the wider community.

Plan and expected results

Employment statistics (DWP 2011) demonstrate that less than 5% of those with both profound and moderate disabilities are able to gain entry level employment, and prospects are poor.

This project improves the prospects for high quality work placements for students both through increases in confidence, leadership, and organisational skills; as well as through the acquisition of valuable transferable skills.

Donations needed!

The college is currently raising money for DJ equipment through it’s charity, Friends of Hereward College. If you would like make a donation please visit https://localgiving.com/donation/friendsofhereward.